A downloadable stupidity

MCDONALD'S BORG, a silly thing made as part of the silly Noun Borg Get Rich Quick Jam.

When you worked there were four of you. On the ten-one grill you worked the burger and on the four-one grill as well and then the manager would call them back, "Give me a run of twenty-four twelve!" Then "Thank you!" you'd reply and then you knew you were in it, "Another twenty-four and twelve!" and "Thank you!" Thank you, message received. Thank you, you were on it. Twenty-four and twelve the most the grill would handle. Stacks of frozen patties, you smacked the roll against the steel table top to loosen them. Split the roll between your hands and laid them out, the dozen discs making a high klonk sound against the metal of the grill as they came down. Twelve onto the grill and then you hit the timer. First beep was time to flip and then it was spatula work, tang tang tang tang as you worked your way up the column, sliding the spatula edge under the pattie in one quick stroke below the graying meat and grease and blood, and then flipping it all over. Up one row of patties and then onto the next, flipping, tang tang tang tang tang, then the fist sized shaker of salt, one long swing to throw a wave-spray of salt crystals up the line and over the meat. Then beep the button and the timer again began. Next beep the meat was done and now you  spatula-ed the patties two at a time onto the wide flat blade. And if buns has done their work the tray of them was waiting for you carmelized and face up and perfect on the shining steel worktable behind. Buns brought them over and prep would be on it, the ketchup gun cone, one trigger pull per bun top, six or twelve or twenty-four squeezes, then onto mustard. Also too the sprinkle of reconstituted onion, white and soft and cubic laid across the condiments and color.

MCDONALD'S BORG is an independent production by mcglintlock and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell (or any fast food restaurant, either). It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tagsborg, mork, Tabletop role-playing game


mcdonalds-borg-72dpi.pdf 148 kB
mcdonalds-borg-300dpi.pdf 279 kB
mcdonalds-borg.png 1.3 MB

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